Grand Circle Day 7-Solar Eclipse

April 25, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

***Chinese Version at the bottom***

Day 7 Solar Eclipse
We continued to stay in Bryce Canyon. After breakfast, at the visitor center we bought souvenir and tee shirts printed with solar eclipse graphics. Then we went to other viewpoints that we haven't visited before. It didn't take long to finish. 

Navajo Trail Round Two
We hiked the Navajo Trail again. I love it so much. We picked the other return route back to the top and the scenery is great too. 

Getting Ready for Viewing Solar Eclipse
The best is yet to come. The key event of the trip was solar eclipse. We returned to the gift shop to get the free solar viewing glasses. Got some hotdogs and soda and took the park shuttle bus to Bryce Point. 

Bryce Point
We got there around 4pm. There were already a lot of people at the top. We waited for some people to move around and claimed a good spot along the railing to set up the tripod. We ate the food while waiting. In the meantime, some people next to us is rigging up solar filter for the cameras. We did some test shots too. The filters we bought before doesn't seem to be good enough. I ripped out a solar sunglasses and pasted it on a cardboard and centered it in front of the camera. Then tested some more settings and finally we were ready just before the eclipse began.

Annular Solar Eclipse
Around 6:30 pm the eclipse started. The sun was still very bright and you can't look at it without the solar glasses. People all around started their oohs and aahs. We immediately started the shooting and also view it through the solar glasses. The red sun looked like an egg yolk missing a bite from the lower right corner. The bite slowly grew bigger. We timed the shots like a time lapse sequence. The moon moved to the middle of the sun leaving a ring of fire around it. Annualar means like a ring. At totality, the crowd kept on their wows. This is an incredible sight that is unforgettable. The moon shifts towards the upper left. By 8:30 pm the sun set behind the mountain while still partially covered by the moon. Through the lens we could see the trees across the top of the mountain in front of the sun. 

After Sunset
After the sun set, the wind picked up and the air cooled down quickly. The park banned driving to and parking at the viewing sites, so we needed to wait for the park shuttle bus. There are so many people at the parking lot waiting for buses. We hanged back to shoot the sunset view a bit so we weren't the first to get to the parking lot for the shuttle bus. There must still be several hundreds of people waiting when we got there. And we were near the end of the long lines. We were told a bus broke down and another bus was used to retrieved the people on the stranded bus. So there were two buses short. We waited until 9:30 pm to get on a bus. 

Astronomy Festival Night 2
We had a quick dinner back at the hotel and then again went to the Astronomy Festival. Yesterday there was a giant telescope that had a very long line that I didn't wait on. Too bad it is not here today. There were a lot less people at the field and a lot less telescopes. I was very disappointed. We looked around for pretty much the same stuff as yesterday and watched the night sky for a while. My man is again very tired and wanted to return to  the hotel to sleep.

***Chinese Version below***

今日繼續留在Bryce Canyon,食過早餐之後去買紀念品,日蝕紀念teeshirt,然後去其他未去過的景點,只用了很短時間就走完了。

Navajo Trail Round Two
我見有時間再行一次Navajo trail,依然覺得好爽,今次行Navajo Trail由谷底上來選擇了另外一條比較短的路線,之前沒有行過,感覺也不錯。

Getting Ready for Viewing Solar Eclipse
今日好戲在後頭,重點節目睇日蝕,去禮品店問攞免費觀太陽眼鏡,知道要在山上等日落實會肚餓,買定熱狗汽水,就趕上Bryce Point 霸位,準備睇日蝕。

Bryce Point

Annular Solar Eclipse
六點半日蝕開始,太陽依然很亮不能直視,四周人群發出驚歎聲,即時帶上觀日眼鏡兼開始影相,一輪紅日像一個蛋黃開始在右下方缺了一個小口,慢慢缺口變大,每隔一段時間就影相,直至月亮移至太陽正中央,太陽只剩下一個光環,Aunnular means like a ring, 四周人群讚歎不斷,月亮慢慢向左上方移開,影呀影,至八點半太陽下山,太陽左上角還缺了一角,但已經沈到對面山嶺樹林之後。

After Sunset

Astronomy Festival Night 2


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