An ancient trade route to transport silk and other merchandise from China to Europe. It is also a route where Buddhism transmitted from India to China. Many historic sites date back a thousand years. 

Last year the high speed train route from Lanzhou to Urumqi was completed. This year China also promoted Silk Road tourism. June is a good time to visit Silk Road. The climate is warm, not too hot, not too cold. 

Our flight landed in Xian. Then we transferred to another domestic flight to Lanzhou. It is already passed midnight when we arrived. Next morning we took an early high speed train from Lanzhou to JiaYuGuan South station. Our first sightseeing stop is JiaYuGuan. JiaYuGuan is a pass on the western end of the Great Wall.  Arrived at JiaYuGuanArrived at JiaYuGuanDay 1 Getting to JiaYuGuan a pass on the Western end of the Great Wall in China.